One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Worship Chapel

Instrumental Ensembles — Frequently Asked Questions

What instrumental ensembles are available?

Wind Symphony Band, Orchestra, Jazz Band, and Pep Band (no audition required for this group) are all active groups.

How often do they rehearse?

Our instrumental ensembles meet twice a week except Pep Band, which rehearses several times before the varsity basketball season.

What if I need an instrument to use?

The department of music and worship has an inventory of instruments that it rents to students who are members of an ensemble.

When are auditions?

Auditions take place on Sunday of Getting Started Weekend, beginning at 1 p.m. Ask questions and sign up at the department table on Friday or Saturday during Getting Started or sign up at DMC 125. Refer to your Getting Started Arrival Guide for more information.

What is involved in an audition?

Auditions are intentionally casual and relaxed. For string instruments, have a prepared piece of your choice ready (you may use a hymn or chorus). For all wind or percussion instruments, email Dr. Chet Jenkins for audition excerpts. You may also be asked to play several major scales and to do some sight reading to demonstrate how well you read music. There will also be a short interview to get to know you. An audition is approximately 10 minutes.

What kind of music do the ensembles play?

Selected music is challenging and reflects variety. Due to the maturity of the players, music is learned faster in University ensembles than you're probably accustomed to in high school. Each group plays an exciting schedule of on- and off- campus concerts.

What if I am rusty?

Most people are rusty in their playing, so don't let that stop you! Our faculty and conductors have the ability to hear through that to a student's true talent.

Can I play in more than one ensemble?


Do I have to be a music major to play in an ensemble?

No, our ensembles are open to any student, regardless of major. In fact, the majority of the members are non-music majors!

Do I have to sell band candy?


If you have any further questions, please contact Prof. Chet Jenkins by e-mail. We hope you will consider membership in at least one of Cedarville's fine instrumental ensembles! It is great way to meet people and use your God-given talent.


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